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Twin City Seed | Bee Lawn Seed Mix

The TCS BEE LAWN Mix™ follows recommendations from the University of Minnesota, combining low-input fine fescue with Dutch white clover, self-heal, and creeping thyme to create a seed mixture that can transform your lawn into pollinator habitat while maintaining the function and recreation associated with a traditional lawn. The bee lawn seed mixture has been shown to support more than 60 bee species in Minnesota.

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Percent Composition:

  • 23.5% Boreal Creeping Red Fescue
  • 23% Intrigue Chewings Fescue
  • 23% Gladiator GT Hard Fescue
  • 23% Blue Mesa Sheep Fescue
  • 4.5% White Dutch Clover
  • 2.7% Self Heal
  • 0.3% Creeping Thyme

Plant at a rate of 5 pounds per thousand square feet.

Composition Note:

Mixture components are subject to change without notice, subject to availability. The function and intention of the mix will remain unchanged.