Where it started

A little About Me

My passion for lawn care started in my high school years, a bit later than the traditional love for the lawn. I had a passion for design, where I was introduced to the world of landscape architecture and environmental design.

From the extracurriculars in high school to my college years, I dove head first into this new interest of mine. Fast forward a few years later, I graduated from the University of Minnesota with a degree in Landscape Architecture.

Like many collegiate grads, I parted ways from the roots of my education for one reason or another. In my case, did so for roughly a decade until 2020 hit where a global pandemic forced us all indoors to work from our kitchen tables, looking at the lawn and how to make it look better.

The Vision

Then It Clicked

It clicked one day that I likely wasn't alone in that feeling and it was right there -- Where the vision started -- To share my journey with others and invite them along to do the same, regardless of experience.

From new homeowners who have never cared about a lawn before, to those who want to take their lawn care game to the next level -- I wanted to open my door to everyone and go on a journey together.

Here is my "Why"

My Cause: Metavivor

Join me in the support towards Metastatic Breast Cancer - Something my family and I have been directly impacted by. I encourage you to watch my story and learn more about the reality behind the general awareness of breast cancer, where the majority of donations are directed, versus where the support is actually needed - I promise you'll be amazed at what you learn!

METAvivor is dedicated to the specific fight of women and men living with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. At the time of METAvivor's founding, no organization was dedicated to funding research for the disease and no patient groups were speaking out about the dearth of stage 4 cancer research.

While more and more people have taken up the cry for more stage 4 research, METAvivor remains the sole US organization dedicated to awarding annual stage 4 breast cancer research.

Each year, 5% of total revenue will be donated directly to METAvivor. Every purchase made on my site, every brand partnership that is established, and your continued support is truly part of a larger cause.

I have also made direct donations in increments of $25, $50, $75, and $100 available below - Of which of course, 100% of your generous donation will be given to METAvivor directly.

None of this would be possible without the support from my audience and partners - On behalf of my family, we greatly appreciate you following and considering our offerings for your next DIY project!

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